The Northeast Wisconsin Child Care Alliance (formerly Greater Fox Valley Child Care Alliance) is a network of partners working to advance a shared vision of early care and education.

Through these partnerships, we are working to co-create child care models that better meet the needs of children, families, and providers, and strengthen the essential infrastructure necessary to promote economic prosperity and thriving families in Northeast Wisconsin.

With support from the Basic Needs Giving Partnership, the Alliance aligns, coordinates, and connects local efforts. Partners exchange information, resources, and data so that learning, ideas, and solutions are shared and improved upon across the region.

The Alliance is working to build a broad network that includes families with lived experience, the early care and education workforce, cross-sector organizations, businesses, and other community groups.

Our Vision
We envision a region where all young children (birth to 5) and their families are thriving because they can equitably access: 

  • High-quality, affordable, culturally responsive early care and education that justly compensates providers.
  • A coordinated array of resources and supports promoting equity in wellbeing such as access to housing, employment, healthy food, etc.).

Regional System Goals

  • Viable early childhood education (ECE) entities providing competitive wages/benefits and high quality work environments
  • Trusted, quality, affordable ECE that meets families’ needs
  • Skilled, culturally responsive ECE workforce

Alliance Strategies

Mindset Movement

Advocacy and Mobilization

System Alignment




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Alliance Partners