Thank you to the over 100 nonprofits from across the region who joined information sessions about the Basic Needs Giving Partnership and recent updates to its grantmaking and strategy. During the call we provided an overview of how the partnership will be changing over the next year including adjustments to grantmaking. If you weren’t able to join or you’d like to review the content, check out the 50-minute presentation HERE and download the corresponding slide deck HERE

A few high-level take-aways: 

  • Funding will continue to support local organizations in NE Wisconsin
  • Through 2022, continue to access applications through your local community foundations in Greater Green Bay, Greater Oshkosh, or Fox Valley
  • The next deadline for grant submission is November 1, 2022
  • One-year investments through 2023
  • Planning for 2 or 3 grant cycles in 2023 – will communicate timing once confirmed

We see this communication as the start of ongoing conversations and touchpoints and will continue to provide updates as we have new information to share. In the meantime, if you have questions that are not addressed in the slide deck or presentation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  

In partnership,

         Lynn Coriano, Executive Director [email protected]

         Basic Needs Giving Partnership          

         Jenny Krikava, Community Engagement Manager [email protected]

         Community Foundation for Fox Valley Region

         Amber Paluch, Senior VP of Community Impact [email protected]

         Greater Green Bay Community Foundation

         Amy Putzer, Director of Programs [email protected]

         Oshkosh Area Community Foundation 

If you would like to join our general distribution list please sign up HERE.

Read More Basic Needs Giving Partnership News